Guitar course for beginners Part 22 Learn the chords(Sus4)

Guitar course for beginners

Sus4 (suspended 4th) is a chord often used as a passing note.

For a G chord, the C note is Sus4.

In the case of the A chord, the D is Sus4.

Among the famous Rock’n Roll songs, there are many songs in which Sus4 is impressive.

Here I will introduce the Sus4 chord.

Build excitement from the verse to the chorus

First of all, this is a pattern that uses Sus4 to build up the song from the verse to the chorus.

For convenience, it is written as an ending on the music score, but don’t worry about it.

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Try using Sus4 like a refrain phrase

Sus4 is a chord that is often used like a guitar riffs.

Even though you’re just playing chords, it sounds like a melodic phrase.

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So far, we have introduced the Sus4 chord.

These are chords that are used in combination rather than on their own.

I don’t think it’s that difficult, so let’s master it.

Thank you for reading to the end.

All the music scores on this site were created by myself using Muse Score.

Unauthorized reproduction of sheet music and articles is prohibited.

Image source: photo AC


To listen to the song, click “Cat Guitar Channel”.

Performance information is Cat Guitar Channel Performance Information Please check.