Guitar fingering practice “Chromatic Pattern 1”

Guitar course for beginners

Some guitar beginners want to play guitar solos! There are probably many people who say so.

Guitar solos are the opportunity for a guitarist to be in the spotlight the most.

Guitar solo? That’s outdated! There are some people who say that, but there is no need to worry about that.

Here, as an extra part, I will introduce guitar fingering practice “Chromatic Pattern 1”.

Guitar fingering practice “Chromatic Pattern 1”

First of all, let me say that this fingering exercise is extremely boring.

Therefore, I recommend that you start playing the guitar after you have become able to play the guitar to a certain extent.

As for the stage, it may be better to start playing once you are able to play a song by your favorite band or musician.

On top of that, I want to improve my guitar skills! This content is for those who are.

Index finger start pattern #1

Be sure to play along with a metronome or rhythm machine.

Picking is alternate picking.
*Picking that repeats down ⇒ up

  • 1st fret ⇒ index finger
  • 2nd fret ⇒ middle finger
  • 3rd fret ⇒ Ring finger
  • 4th fret ⇒ little finger


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The score is set at 80 BPM, but as you get used to it, gradually increase the tempo.

By the time you can play at around 120 BPM, you should be able to move your fingers quite a bit.

Index finger start pattern #2

Next is a pattern in which the order of the little finger (4th fret) and ring finger (3rd fret) is switched.


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Index finger start pattern #3

This time, the pattern is index finger → little finger → ring finger → middle finger.


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Index finger start pattern #4

Next, the pattern is index finger → little finger → middle finger → ring finger.


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Index finger start pattern #5

This time, the pattern is index finger → ring finger → middle finger → little finger.


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Index finger start pattern #6

Finally, I will introduce the pattern is index finger → ring finger → little finger → middle finger.


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So far, I have introduced the guitar fingering exercise “Chromatic Pattern 1”.

The pattern we picked up this time is the index finger starting pattern.

After this, continue with the pattern of starting with your middle finger, starting with your ring finger, and starting with your little finger.

I can’t say it’s an interesting or fun exercise, but if you do it, it will certainly change you for the better.

Shall we try? Would you like to try it? I’ll leave it up to each individual.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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Image source: photo AC


To listen to the song, click “Cat Guitar Channel”.

Performance information is Cat Guitar Channel Performance Information Please check.