Guitar course for beginners Guitar course for beginners Part 29 Learn the chords #9th and ♭9th Guitar 9th chord types include #9th and ♭9th.In the case of A7 (#9), the constituent notes are A (1st), C# (3rd), E (5th), G (7th), and C (#9th). 2024.01.02 Guitar course for beginners
Guitar course for beginners Guitar course for beginners Part 28 Learn the chords minor 9th One of the 9th chords on the guitar is m9 (minor 9th).This chord is minor 7 with the 9th note added. Here we will introduce the m9 chord. 2024.01.01 Guitar course for beginners
Guitar course for beginners Guitar course for beginners Part 27 Learn the chords 7th+9th A guitar 9th chord is a 3- or 4-note chord with a 9th note added.In the case of a C chord, the add9 chord is C, E, and G plus the D note. 2023.12.21 Guitar course for beginners