Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners Part 29 Learn the chords #9th and ♭9th

Guitar 9th chord types include #9th and ♭9th.In the case of A7 (#9), the constituent notes are A (1st), C# (3rd), E (5th), G (7th), and C (#9th).
Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners Part 28 Learn the chords minor 9th

One of the 9th chords on the guitar is m9 (minor 9th).This chord is minor 7 with the 9th note added. Here we will introduce the m9 chord.
Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners Part 27 Learn the chords 7th+9th

A guitar 9th chord is a 3- or 4-note chord with a 9th note added.In the case of a C chord, the add9 chord is C, E, and G plus the D note.