Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners Part 25 Learn the chords(Omit3)

Omit3 chord is the name of a chord that omits the third note. It can be used with both mejer key and miner key.It may be often used on electric guitars.
Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners Part 24 Learn the chords(m7-5)

Among the guitar chords, there is also a chord called m7-5 (minor seven flat five). This is a chord in which the fifth note is lowered by a semitone.
Guitar course for beginners

Guitar course for beginners Part 23 Learn the fraction-chords

Among guitar chords, There are also cases called "slash chord" or "over chord".It is written as "C/E" or "ConE" on the music score.