Guitar course for beginners Part 28 Learn the chords minor 9th

Guitar course for beginners

One of the 9th chords on the guitar is m9 (minor 9th).

This chord is minor 7 with the 9th note added.

In the case of Am7(9), the constituent notes are A (1st), C (♭3rd), E (5th), G (7th), and B (9th).

It can be said to be a chord used in jazz, bossa nova, and pop music.

Here we will introduce the m9 chord.

How to play the 9th chord on the guitar”Am9″

First up is Am9.

In addition to Am9, there are also cases where it is written as Am7(9).

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The constituent notes of Am9 are A (1st), C (♭3rd), E (5th), G (7th), and B (9th).

There are also patterns where the 5th note (E in the case of Am) is omitted.

How to play the 9th chord on the guitar”Em9″

Next is Em9.

Like the Am9, the Em9 can use the open strings of the guitar, so chord forms that include the open strings are also written.

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So far, we have introduced the m9 chord.

Memorizing the m9 chord will help you create unique chord progressions.

Let’s take this opportunity to master it.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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