Apparently, a certain person was eating cup yakisoba for lunch at work when his colleague or boss warned him about it.
Strictly speaking, cup yakisoba is not yakisoba.
Yakisoba-style noodles might be closer in nuance.
It is a food that falls into the so-called junk food category.
Is cup yakisoba delicious?
Is cup yakisoba delicious? When you say that, it’s never true.
However, it has a unique charm that makes you want to eat it again and again.
This is the strange part.
Does cup yakisoba save money?
It’s not difficult to buy cup yakisoba for around 100 yen if you take advantage of supermarket deals.
Certainly, from the point of view of “saving money”, it is an ant.
However, if you only focus on saving money.
Nutrition of cup yakisoba
The nutrients in cup yakisoba are mostly carbohydrates and fats.
It also contains phosphates, which can inhibit calcium absorption if eaten in excess.
Although it may be eaten once in a while, it is not recommended to be eaten on a daily basis.
Is it short-term savings? Is it your future health?
In other words, is it short-term savings? Is it your future health? I’m saying that.
Even if you can save money on lunch in the near future, there is a risk that you will have to pay high medical expenses in the near future.
Even though it’s just a cup of yakisoba, it unexpectedly calls into question the person’s way of life.
I haven’t eaten cup yakisoba for over 10 years.
Personally, I haven’t eaten cup yakisoba for over 10 years.
It’s not like I’m getting sick, but I consciously try not to eat because I don’t want to end up feeling kind of gloomy the next day.
The tough part is that I have no choice but to focus more and more on my health.
There is surprisingly little time left in life.
At the very least, I want to eat delicious food.
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